10 Proven Hacks To Increase Your YouTube Subscribers For Your YouTube Channel

If you are a business owner and are willing to take the plunge into video marketing, YouTube may present a huge opportunity to your business.

According to Neil Patel one of the best ways of measuring popularity on YouTube is by looking at the number of subscribers you have on the popular social media platform.


While video can provide a serious boon when it comes to engagement for your business, the competition – at least in terms of other commercial enterprises – isn’t as fierce as on some other major social networks.

Similarly, there are many small hacks to increase the your Youtube subscribers for your Youtube channel and Views for your channel. For instance, end cards with a large Subscribe button can subtly motivate your viewer to subscribe to your channel.

Allowing embedding can also mean more exposure, which could eventually lead to more subscribers. There are a host of actionable advanced tips to gain YouTube Subscribers that don’t take much of your time but can significantly affect your subscriber count and engagement. Make all these changes, and you will see your subscriber count go north.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can increase your YouTube subscriber count. We’ll analyze a variety of media marketing strategies and focus on how you can implement them.

1. Upload new videos regularly, and preferably on a schedule.

If your audience comes to expect a new video every Tuesday, they’ll look forward to Tuesdays! When you upload a new video, those who have subscribed to your channel will receive a notification (which helps trigger new views).

2. Post each of your YouTube videos on Facebook.

Always include a call-to-action within the Facebook video post to “check out my other videos on YouTube” with a link to your YouTube channel.

3. Increase your uploading frequency.

To understand the YouTube algorithm, you have to understand what Google is optimizing for… The main reason someone subscribes to a channel is because they love the work of the publisher and wants to see more of their videos.

YouTube is currently rewarding channels that upload frequently. It wants to bring back viewers everyday. The channel Shonduras was doing ok, but when they went to daily uploads, they started bringing in tons of traffic. YouTube cares about getting people to come back.

YouTube subscribers usually do not like channels that don’t produce regular content. Especially in today’s digital age, consumers want continually more and more entertainment. You need to be able to keep up with your subscribers’ demands.

Consistency is the key to developing a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers.

4. Make use of ‘Call to Action’ annotations.

‘Call to action’ annotations are those annoying popups in the video (which can be a blessing for the YouTube creators). If used in a proper way, you can get more subscribers by making your visitors click them during the video.

Many YouTubers have reported increased channel subscriptions with these annotations added to their videos.

A simple link created for subscribing to the channel can be placed as a call to action in your video.

Properly tag your videos. Make sure that all of your tags match the content of your videos. If someone searches for something and your video pops up because it is improperly tagged, they will leave after a few seconds and most likely never return.

5. Include an intro for all your videos.

Your intro is where you have a captive audience. Use it to present the content of your video while also reminding viewers they can subscribe to your channel.

6. Use relevant keywords in your title and description

Using relevant keywords in your video has the best chance of showing up in YouTube and Google search results.

7. Include your YouTube video URL when embedding it on your blog.

Adding the URL manually may increase clicks to your YouTube channel…. and may just lead to your visitors sticking around to check out your other videos.

8. Make the first 10 seconds of your video the most memorable

Did you know that a whopping 20 percent of viewers drop off within the first 10 seconds of your video? This is why you need to make the most of the most first few seconds.

To make an awesome first impression, don’t start your video with a bland introduction, but rather with the most climactic part of your video. If you start with a bang, viewers aren’t going to want to leave.

9. Turn a Set of Videos into a Binge-Worthy Playlist

Do you have a set of videos that go together? Perhaps you do a recurring weekly educational series, or you have a set of webinars around the same theme?

Whatever it is, you should make that grouping into a YouTube playlist. This will allow your viewers to continue watching without having to manually search for and click into the next video.

10. Get Personal with Your Viewers

Subscribers want something from you. They want a connection. If you can create that connection in your video content you’re on your way to getting more subscribers on YouTube.

And remember, if you are a startup channel, it is important to have a good impression (subscribers/viewers/shares) to attract the attention and increase your audience. If the channel is coming out without any impression, no one will recognize the channel and it will go wasted without any subscribers.

I’ll tell you another little secret – Everyone is buying YouTube subscribers. Starting with the most famous YouTuber’s, TV stars, singers- everyone! So if the most successful YouTuber’s do it too, you should feel 100% all right with promoting yourself this way.

So much more to add but we will write another post on the subject later on.

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